Call Us
We don't believe in call centers. Go to our Locations page, select the branch closest to you and your call will be answered by someone ready to help you.
Email Us
Email is not a secure way to send information. We advise you not to send any personal information to us by email, unless it is done using a secure method.
Write To Us
Champlain National Bank
3900 NYS Route 22
Willsboro, NY 12996
Telephone Banking
(800) 246-9554
How To Report Your Lost or Stolen debit Card
Any Time: Log in to Online Banking or use the Mobile Banking App. You can also report it via Telephone Banking
Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm: Call Our Debit Card Department at (518) 963-4201, Option 1
After Business Hours: Call (888) 297-3416
Text Us Suggestions For Improvement
Text the word CHAMPLAIN and your feedback to (518) 966-7622. This number is for text based feedback only.